Prayer for an Addict’s Protection from Bad Influences

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Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV)

“Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.'”

Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you with heavy hearts, seeking your divine intervention and protection for our loved ones who are struggling with addiction. Your word warns us that bad company corrupts good character, and we acknowledge the power of negative influences on those in the grip of addiction.

Lord, we pray for a hedge of protection around them, that you may shield them from the temptations and bad influences that have led them astray. We ask for your strength to surround them, enabling them to resist the pull of destructive friendships and environments that perpetuate their addiction.

Grant them discernment, dear Lord, to recognize when they are in the presence of those who could lead them down the wrong path. May your Holy Spirit guide their choices, prompting them to seek out positive, uplifting relationships that encourage their recovery and growth in faith.

We also pray for the transformation of their own hearts. May they come to fully understand the depth of your love and the purpose you have for their lives. Help them realize that they are not defined by their addiction, but by the grace and redemption found in Christ Jesus.

Lord, as we intercede on their behalf, we lift up those who have been ensnared by addiction, that they may find refuge in your unfailing love. We ask for the strength to stand beside them as supportive family and friends, extending grace and compassion.

In the name of Jesus, we rebuke the forces of darkness that seek to keep them bound to addiction and bad influences. We declare your victory over their lives, trusting in your promise that nothing is impossible for you.

May they find solace in your presence, and may your Word be a lamp unto their feet, guiding them on the path to recovery, redemption, and a renewed faith in you. We pray all of this in the powerful and healing name of Jesus. Amen.

The chosen Bible verse from 1 Corinthians 15:33 serves as a warning about the corrupting influence of bad company. In the context of addiction, it emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and avoiding individuals or environments that can lead a person further into addiction.

In the prayer, we recognize the power of these negative influences and ask for God’s protection and guidance for those struggling with addiction. We seek God’s intervention to help them make wise choices, find supportive relationships, and experience His transformative love. The prayer also acknowledges the role of family and friends in supporting their loved ones on the path to recovery.

Ultimately, the prayer is a plea for God’s grace and redemption to break the chains of addiction and lead individuals to a renewed faith in Him. It acknowledges that victory over addiction is possible through Christ and His healing power.


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