Prayers for Joy

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Prayer for Joy – 1

Compassionate and merciful God, I yearn for the happiness of overcoming my emotions and the joy of charting my path. Please allow me to leave behind these feelings of grief and depression and erase my constant, underlying feeling of gloom. Fill my thoughts with delicious images and words, so that happiness can arise and lift me from despair. I pray that You’ll capture my spirit and weave it tightly in joy, that it’ll be bound by grace and can never escape. I ask these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Joy – 2

Lord of Mercy and Love, remind me not to let my joy fade as I watch the growing problems around me. Give me a faith so strong that it cannot be tainted and let me use that faith against all the evils that exist. Empower me to show Satan that my joy is erasing his scheme to drown me and support me when I must show him that my faith outweighs his motives for taking my joy. May the wrongdoers and those who gossip to sow hatred, keep their distance from me. Show me how to live a life that allows my joy and faith in You to shine. These are the things I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer for Joy – 3

Loving God, thank you for the blessings you have given me. I have so much to be grateful for, but I miss the joy.
I ask you to bring me immeasurable joy. Happiness abounds in my life and in my heart, but I yearn for joy. Bring me closer to You so that I can be the disciple I need. Pull me so close that the distance between us will never seem to exist. Jesus, I want to love like you, forgive like you and live for you. I ask these things in Your precious name. Amen.

Prayer for Joy – 4

Father of mercies, please Lord, I yearn for joy in my heart and peace in my soul. Bless me with contentment, so that I know what it is to love this life fully. I want to be near You every moment, and I know that if I am, I can receive the joy that awaits me. Hold my hand, guide me and let me live in Your perfect will. Wrap Your Spirit around me, so that my every breath is in sequence with yours. Let peace envelop my thoughts and encompass my body. May I never, ever walk away. In the awesome name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer for Joy – 5

Dear Jesus, my mind can’t settle down and live for today. Please help me find joy in my surroundings and contentment in my circumstances. Whatever happens and wherever I am, I want to be completely satisfied and fulfilled, so I don’t constantly yearn for more or something different. I need you near me every moment, so that joy can consume my spirit. For without You there is no contentment in life, and there is no joy to illumine my soul. I ask these things in Your precious name, Amen.

Prayer for Joy – 6

Light in the darkness, thank you for loving me. Please bring your light into my soul and bless me with laughter. Everything around me proves that I am void of happy emotions, and I want that to change. My negative thoughts and dark moods have taken over me, and I yearn for joy again. I ask you to flood my heart with joyful peace, so that I can remember what it’s like to smile. May my spirit be filled with the joy of Heaven and may laughter continually spring from my mouth. I ask these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Joy – 7

Precious Holy Spirit, you have blessed me so much and I love you like no one else. Please help me show you my appreciation and gratitude. Help me show gratitude to others for all they mean to me and all they have done for me. If You could fill my heart with joy again, I know gratitude would come easily. Please don’t leave me or forsake me. Show me how to find joy in a world where many are against Christianity. Remind me to be grateful for every ounce of kindness, love, and kindness that I observe. Jesus, be with me as I seek to regain my lost joy. In your name of love, I pray, Amen.

God bless you!


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