Declarations for Breakthroughs this Year

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Declaration #1: Trusting in God’s Timing for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV)

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”


  • I trust in God’s perfect timing for all my breakthroughs.
  • Every moment and season in my life serves a divine purpose.
  • God’s plan for me unfolds beautifully and in the right season.
  • I embrace the mystery of God’s timing and expect breakthroughs this year.
  • God has ordained my breakthroughs even before the foundation of the world.
  • My heart is anchored in the promise that God makes all things beautiful in His time.
  • I let go of my anxieties, knowing that my breakthrough is on the horizon.
  • As God set eternity in my heart, He has also set the time for my breakthroughs.
  • God’s timing is impeccable; I will see my breakthroughs unfold this year.
  • The Creator of time is orchestrating my breakthroughs; I await in faithful anticipation.

Declaration #2: Overcoming Obstacles for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Romans 8:31 (NIV)

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”


  • With God on my side, every obstacle becomes an opportunity for a breakthrough.
  • No force or challenge can hinder my progress this year.
  • God’s favor surrounds me, turning adversities into avenues for breakthroughs.
  • I am more than a conqueror, overcoming every challenge that stands before me.
  • Every setback is a setup for a divine breakthrough.
  • If God is for me, the gates of breakthrough will not be shut against me.
  • I possess an unwavering faith that propels me past every obstacle.
  • With every challenge I face, I am reminded that my breakthrough is imminent.
  • I stand firm, knowing that with God, every barrier is breakable.
  • This year, obstacles in my path will be stepping stones to greater breakthroughs.

Declaration #3: Divine Provision for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”


  • I am confident that God is supplying all I need for my breakthroughs.
  • The richness of God’s glory is the foundation for my divine provision this year.
  • Every need, be it big or small, is catered for by my heavenly Father.
  • I step into this year, fully assured of God’s abundant provision.
  • God’s bountiful resources are available to me, ensuring my breakthroughs.
  • In Christ, I lack nothing; every resource is within my reach.
  • God is orchestrating events and situations to ensure my needs are met.
  • I am enveloped by God’s abundant grace, supplying more than I can ask or imagine.
  • My heart rejoices in the assurance of God’s continuous provision.
  • With every need met, I move closer to the breakthroughs ordained for me this year.

Declaration #4: Unwavering Faith for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”


  • I possess an unwavering faith that assures my breakthroughs.
  • Even when I do not see it, my confidence in God’s promise remains unshaken.
  • This year, my faith paves the way for miraculous breakthroughs.
  • My hope is anchored in God, and it brings tangible results in my life.
  • I walk by faith, not by sight, confidently awaiting my breakthroughs.
  • With every challenge, my faith grows stronger and more resolute.
  • God’s promises are the foundation of my faith and the source of my breakthroughs.
  • I am assured of the unseen because my faith is rooted in God’s eternal word.
  • This year, my faith activates divine interventions leading to breakthroughs.
  • My heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord, and expecting great breakthroughs.

Declaration #5: God’s Word as a Catalyst for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Isaiah 55:11 (NIV)

“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”


  • God’s Word is alive and active in my life, bringing forth breakthroughs.
  • Every promise from God’s mouth concerning me will manifest this year.
  • The Word of God does not fail; it achieves every purpose for my life.
  • I am anchored on the Word, and it propels me towards my desired breakthroughs.
  • This year, God’s Word in my life will accomplish more than I can imagine.
  • I declare that every word God has spoken over me is coming to pass.
  • I am positioned for breakthroughs as I meditate and act on God’s Word.
  • The promises of God are yes and amen, guaranteeing my breakthroughs.
  • As rain nourishes the earth, so does God’s Word nourish my destiny and bring forth breakthroughs.
  • With confidence in His Word, I step into a year of unparalleled breakthroughs.

Declaration #6: Strength in Weakness Leading to Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”


  • In moments of weakness, God’s power becomes my strength, leading to breakthroughs.
  • I am not discouraged by my limitations, for in them, God’s strength is magnified.
  • My breakthroughs this year are guaranteed by the sufficiency of God’s grace.
  • In every challenge, the power of Christ rests upon me, propelling me forward.
  • My weaknesses are a canvas for God’s power, painting a picture of divine breakthroughs.
  • I will boast in the Lord, for in my vulnerabilities, His power shines brightest.
  • God’s grace is abundant in every area of my life, ensuring my breakthroughs.
  • Every weak point in my life becomes a conduit for God’s miraculous power.
  • This year, my testimony is of strength in weakness, leading to phenomenal breakthroughs.
  • With Christ as my strength, every challenge this year paves the way for greater breakthroughs.

Declaration #7: The Power of Persistent Prayer for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NIV)

“Pray without ceasing.”


  • I am committed to unceasing prayer, knowing it brings forth my breakthroughs.
  • My continuous communication with God aligns me with His will and purpose.
  • This year, my persistent prayers tear down strongholds and create pathways to breakthroughs.
  • Every moment spent in prayer strengthens my spiritual resolve and draws me closer to my breakthroughs.
  • My heart and spirit are invigorated by the power of relentless prayer.
  • Through prayer, I connect with God’s infinite wisdom and guidance.
  • Persistent prayer grants me divine strategies to achieve my desired breakthroughs.
  • I am confident that as I pray without ceasing, mountains move and doors open.
  • This year, my prayer life is a catalyst for divine interventions and miracles.
  • As I lean into persistent prayer, God’s favor and blessings pour out in abundance.

Declaration #8: Embracing God’s Love as a Foundation for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Romans 8:37-39 (NIV)

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


  • I am rooted and grounded in the love of God, paving the way for my breakthroughs.
  • Nothing can hinder my progress, for I am secure in the embrace of God’s love.
  • The love of God propels me to victories and breakthroughs unimaginable.
  • I face every challenge this year with the assurance of God’s unwavering love for me.
  • God’s love is my shield and strength, ensuring my success and breakthrough.
  • In every situation, I am more than a conqueror through the love of Christ.
  • The unbreakable bond of God’s love empowers me to push past limitations and achieve breakthroughs.
  • I am enveloped by a love that never fails, positioning me for breakthroughs beyond measure.
  • This year, God’s love is the wind beneath my wings, lifting me to greater heights.
  • As I embrace God’s love, doors of opportunity and favor swing wide open for me.

Declaration #9: The Assurance of God’s Promises for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Numbers 23:19 (NIV)

“God is not human, that he should lie, nor a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”


  • I stand on the infallible promises of God, expecting breakthroughs in every area.
  • God’s promises are unwavering, and they set the course for my victories this year.
  • Every word from God concerning my life is a guarantee of a breakthrough.
  • This year, I witness the tangible manifestation of every promise God has declared over me.
  • I move with confidence, knowing that God’s words never return void.
  • God’s promises are the foundation on which I build my expectations and hopes.
  • My heart rejoices in the assurance that God’s promises are yes and amen.
  • With God’s promises as my anchor, I face the future with boldness and expectation.
  • This year, every promise from God unfolds in my life, bringing forth breakthroughs of all kinds.
  • I rest in the knowledge that God’s promises are unchanging and eternally secure.

Declaration #10: Walking in Divine Direction for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”


  • I trust fully in the Lord, letting Him direct my steps towards breakthroughs.
  • My reliance on God ensures a clear and unobstructed path to my destiny.
  • This year, I submit every plan and decision to God, knowing He will guide me rightly.
  • With God as my compass, I navigate life’s challenges with confidence and grace.
  • I am divinely directed, and every step I take moves me closer to my breakthroughs.
  • Leaning not on my wisdom but on God, I find clarity, purpose, and direction.
  • My pathways are enlightened as I surrender to God’s guidance and leadership.
  • I celebrate the assurance that with God directing, my breakthroughs are inevitable.
  • Every twist and turn is divinely orchestrated, leading me to unparalleled success.
  • As I trust and submit to God, I am positioned for strategic and divine breakthroughs.

Declaration #11: Experiencing God’s Peace Amidst the Pursuit of Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:7 (NIV)

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


  • In my journey towards breakthroughs, the peace of God is my constant companion.
  • I am enveloped in a peace that surpasses human comprehension, ensuring stability and confidence.
  • Even in moments of uncertainty, God’s peace anchors my soul.
  • This year, as I push for breakthroughs, God’s peace keeps my heart and mind secure.
  • Every decision and step is taken with the assurance of God’s peace guiding me.
  • God’s peace in my life repels anxiety, doubt, and fear, positioning me for clear breakthroughs.
  • I rejoice in the promise that God’s peace is my shield and protector.
  • In every situation, the peace of Christ reigns, ensuring my path to success is undisturbed.
  • This year, amidst the storms and challenges, I experience breakthroughs in God’s perfect peace.
  • The tranquility I find in God fortifies my spirit, propelling me towards my desired breakthroughs.

Declaration #12: The Power of Praise as a Weapon for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Psalm 22:3 (NIV)

“Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.”


  • My mouth is filled with praise, and through it, I unlock doors of breakthroughs.
  • As I lift my voice in praise, I ascend into realms of divine possibilities.
  • This year, every challenge is met with praise, turning battles into victories.
  • I understand the power of praise, and I use it as a weapon for my breakthroughs.
  • In every season, my heart rejoices in God, setting the stage for divine interventions.
  • As I exalt God with praises, He steps into my situations, bringing forth solutions and breakthroughs.
  • I celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness, knowing that praise goes before my victory.
  • This year, my praise breaks chains, shatters barriers, and opens doors of opportunity.
  • The atmosphere of my life is charged with praise, attracting God’s presence and favor.
  • In praise, I find strength, joy, and the assurance of imminent breakthroughs.

Declaration #13: Trusting in God’s Timing for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”


  • I trust in God’s impeccable timing, knowing my breakthrough is appointed for its perfect moment.
  • This year, I rest in the assurance that God’s calendar for my life is flawlessly orchestrated.
  • Every delay is divinely designed, setting the stage for bigger and better breakthroughs.
  • I relinquish my impatience, leaning into the rhythms of God’s divine timing.
  • In every season, I discern God’s purpose, positioning myself for the breakthroughs ahead.
  • I rejoice, knowing that God’s timing always brings forth the best outcomes for my life.
  • My heart remains steadfast, trusting that God’s promises will manifest in their due time.
  • This year, I embrace the journey, confident that every promise will unfold at the right moment.
  • I anticipate the breakthroughs destined for me, understanding that God’s clock is always on time.
  • With patience and faith, I align with God’s timing, ensuring a year filled with timely breakthroughs.

Declaration #14: Walking in Divine Authority for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Luke 10:19 (NIV)

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”


  • I move with divine authority, taking dominion over challenges and securing my breakthroughs.
  • Empowered by God, I trample over every obstacle and opposition, walking into my destined victories.
  • This year, I wield the authority bestowed upon me, breaking barriers and achieving breakthroughs.
  • No weapon formed against me shall prosper, for I operate in God-given authority.
  • Every mountain is leveled, and every valley is raised, as I step out in divine authority.
  • The enemy’s schemes are nullified in my life, for I carry the authority of the Most High.
  • I stand firm, knowing that nothing can harm or deter me from my path to breakthroughs.
  • This year, as I declare and decree with authority, heaven responds, and situations shift in my favor.
  • With the authority of Christ, I reclaim stolen territory and step into new realms of success.
  • Walking in divine authority, my breakthroughs are not just possible, but they are guaranteed.

Declaration #15: The Role of Unity and Community for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV)

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”


  • I value the strength of unity, recognizing that together, we achieve greater breakthroughs.
  • This year, I seek community, knowing that collective strength accelerates my breakthroughs.
  • In unity with fellow believers, I stand against challenges and see multiplied victories.
  • I cherish the bonds I share with my community, understanding that our combined efforts bring forth breakthroughs.
  • Every collaborative effort I engage in is blessed and brings forth exponential results.
  • I step into a year where, through community, obstacles are turned into stepping stones for breakthroughs.
  • As I join hands with others in faith and purpose, walls crumble, and doors open.
  • The power of unity in Christ ensures that I am not easily defeated or discouraged.
  • This year, the community I surround myself with becomes a fortress, leading to collective and personal breakthroughs.
  • Together, we move mountains, and our united front guarantees a season filled with transformative breakthroughs.

Declaration #16: Embracing God’s Word as the Path to Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”


  • God’s Word illuminates my path, guiding me to breakthroughs at every turn.
  • This year, I cling to the scriptures, finding direction, wisdom, and strategies for victory.
  • Every challenge is met with the truth of God’s Word, ensuring my breakthrough.
  • I meditate on the scriptures, drawing strength, assurance, and insight for my journey.
  • God’s Word is my compass, steering me clear of pitfalls and positioning me for success.
  • I am confident that as I prioritize God’s Word, my steps are divinely ordered towards breakthroughs.
  • This year, the promises in the scriptures manifest in my life, turning every setback into a setup for victory.
  • I am fortified by God’s Word, making me unstoppable in my pursuit of breakthroughs.
  • With the Bible as my guide, I navigate challenges, emerging victorious in every situation.
  • My heart rejoices in the power of God’s Word, anticipating a year filled with profound breakthroughs.

Declaration #17: Overcoming Through Faith for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: 1 John 5:4 (NIV)

“For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”


  • My faith is the key to overcoming every challenge, unlocking doors of breakthroughs.
  • This year, I am unstoppable, for my faith in God positions me for unparalleled victories.
  • Every mountain crumbles and every barrier falls as I move in unwavering faith.
  • My trust in God elevates me above life’s storms, ensuring my breakthroughs.
  • The world’s opposition cannot deter me, for my faith guarantees my victory.
  • I am an overcomer, and my faith in God’s promises propels me to new dimensions of breakthroughs.
  • This year, my faith grows stronger, turning obstacles into opportunities for testimonies.
  • Through faith, I access realms of abundance, favor, and divine intervention.
  • Every step I take in faith accelerates my journey towards significant breakthroughs.
  • My heart is steadfast, knowing that my faith in God makes me more than a conqueror.

Declaration #18: God’s Faithfulness as the Anchor for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”


  • God’s unwavering faithfulness is my anchor, ensuring that my breakthroughs are inevitable.
  • This year, I rest in the assurance of God’s unchanging loyalty and commitment to my well-being.
  • Every morning, I am greeted with fresh manifestations of God’s faithfulness, paving the way for new breakthroughs.
  • I move with confidence, knowing that God’s faithfulness guarantees my victories.
  • My heart finds solace in God’s consistent nature, assuring me of breakthroughs in every season.
  • This year, the testament of God’s faithfulness in my life is evident to all.
  • I trust in God’s faithfulness, knowing that His promises concerning my life will come to pass.
  • God’s loyalty towards me is unbreakable, ensuring that I experience divine favor and breakthroughs.
  • The faithfulness of God is my shield, protecting me from setbacks and positioning me for success.
  • Celebrating God’s faithfulness, I step into a year filled with promise, progress, and profound breakthroughs.

Declaration #19: Unwavering Hope as a Catalyst for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Romans 15:13 (NIV)

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”


  • My hope in God acts as a catalyst, driving me forward towards breakthroughs with joy and peace.
  • This year, my heart overflows with hope, ensuring I remain resilient and expectant of God’s promises.
  • Hope illuminates the path before me, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and success.
  • With every breath, I am rejuvenated by the hope God instills in me, anticipating great breakthroughs.
  • God’s spirit empowers me, allowing my hope to remain unshaken, even amidst life’s storms.
  • This year, hope is my compass, guiding me towards territories of divine favor and breakthroughs.
  • Hope strengthens my spirit, propelling me forward with confidence and divine assurance.
  • Rooted in hope, I am unmovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that my labor will yield breakthroughs.
  • With unwavering hope, I visualize and manifest God’s promises for my life.
  • The God of hope fills me, ensuring that my year is marked by supernatural joy, peace, and profound breakthroughs.

Declaration #20: God’s Unfailing Love Guaranteeing Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Psalm 136:1 (NIV)

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.”


  • God’s unfailing love surrounds me, ensuring that breakthroughs are my portion.
  • This year, I am a testament to the enduring love of God, experiencing miracles and divine interventions.
  • God’s love sustains me, turning trials into triumphs and obstacles into opportunities.
  • My heart finds assurance in God’s eternal love, knowing that His affections towards me guarantee my success.
  • The love of God is my shield and strength, positioning me for breakthroughs in every area of life.
  • This year, I bask in the warmth of God’s love, confidently advancing towards my divine destiny.
  • God’s love transforms challenges into stepping stones, leading me towards unparalleled victories.
  • Rooted in God’s love, I navigate life with grace, favor, and a surety of breakthroughs.
  • Every day, I am reminded of God’s unwavering love for me, solidifying my expectation of breakthroughs.
  • Celebrating the love of God, I step into a year marked by divine favor, blessings, and significant breakthroughs.

Declaration #21: Drawing Strength from God’s Presence for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Exodus 33:14 (NIV)

“The LORD replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.'”


  • God’s presence is my source of strength, propelling me towards incredible breakthroughs.
  • This year, I find rest and rejuvenation in the shadow of the Almighty, ensuring I am always fortified.
  • God’s presence guarantees my success, turning challenges into victories and dreams into realities.
  • I am never alone in my journey, for the presence of God accompanies me, opening doors of opportunity.
  • With God by my side, I am invincible, ensuring that breakthroughs are my constant testimony.
  • This year, I cultivate a deeper relationship with God, drawing from the well of His presence for my breakthroughs.
  • The assurance of God’s presence fills me with confidence, boldness, and an unyielding spirit.
  • God’s presence transforms my atmosphere, attracting favor, blessings, and divine alignments.
  • Every step I take is sanctified by God’s presence, positioning me for strategic breakthroughs.
  • Anchored in the presence of God, my year is marked by rest, divine direction, and unparalleled breakthroughs.

Declaration #22: Embracing the Power of Prayer for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: James 5:16b (NIV)

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”


  • I embrace the power of prayer, knowing it activates heavenly forces to bring forth my breakthroughs.
  • This year, my fervent prayers shape realities, turning impossibilities into testimonies.
  • Through prayer, I tap into divine strategies, insights, and wisdom, positioning me for monumental breakthroughs.
  • Every challenge is met with faith-filled prayers, ensuring I emerge victorious.
  • My communion with God through prayer fortifies my spirit and aligns me with His perfect will.
  • This year, the heavens respond to my prayers, ushering in seasons of favor, abundance, and divine intervention.
  • I am confident that as I kneel in prayer, mountains move, doors open, and breakthroughs manifest.
  • In the place of prayer, I find strength, clarity, and divine direction, ensuring a year filled with success.
  • Every prayer I utter is backed by heaven, making way for supernatural shifts and transformations.
  • Grounded in prayer, I anticipate a year overflowing with answers, miracles, and profound breakthroughs.

Declaration #23: Celebrating God’s Grace for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”


  • I am enveloped in God’s grace, making every challenge surmountable and every dream achievable.
  • This year, God’s abundant grace propels me to experience breakthroughs beyond my imagination.
  • In moments of weakness, I lean into God’s grace, knowing it’s the catalyst for my strength and victory.
  • Every setback is transformed into a setup for breakthroughs, thanks to the endless grace of God.
  • I move with divine assurance, fully aware that God’s grace qualifies me for blessings and favor.
  • This year, I revel in the richness of God’s grace, advancing fearlessly towards my divine destiny.
  • The grace of God redefines my limitations, turning them into launchpads for supernatural breakthroughs.
  • My heart rejoices in the sufficiency of God’s grace, knowing it guarantees victories in every endeavor.
  • Through grace, barriers become bridges, and opposition turns into opportunity.
  • Embracing God’s grace, I step into a year filled with promise, prosperity, and unparalleled breakthroughs.

Declaration #24: Relying on God’s Providence for Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”


  • God’s divine provision ensures that I lack nothing, paving the way for breakthroughs in every area of my life.
  • This year, I witness the abundant provision of God, satisfying every need and desire.
  • God’s providence positions me for success, ensuring that resources, opportunities, and blessings align for my favor.
  • In moments of scarcity, I rest in the assurance of God’s inexhaustible supply, knowing He’ll provide for my breakthroughs.
  • Every need I encounter is met with God’s overflowing abundance, signaling a year filled with testimonies.
  • I move forward with confidence, fully aware that God’s providence guarantees my sustenance and success.
  • Through God’s provision, dreams become realities, and aspirations turn into accomplishments.
  • My heart remains grateful, continually celebrating the endless provision of God that ensures my breakthroughs.
  • With God as my provider, I traverse this year with boldness, anticipating blessings beyond measure.
  • Anchored in God’s provision, I joyfully embrace a year marked by abundance, favor, and remarkable breakthroughs.

Declaration #25: Trusting God’s Timing for Perfect Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV)

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”


  • I trust in God’s impeccable timing, knowing that He orchestrates breakthroughs at the perfect moment.
  • This year, I rest in God’s divine calendar, confident that every promise will manifest in its appointed time.
  • My heart finds peace in the assurance that God’s timing is always perfect, positioning me for significant breakthroughs.
  • Even when I cannot see it, I believe that God is working behind the scenes, aligning things for my good.
  • I move forward with patience and faith, knowing that delay is not denial, and God’s plans for me are always for my benefit.
  • This year, I rejoice in anticipation, fully aware that God’s timing will bring forth the best outcomes.
  • God’s calendar for my life ensures that I am always in the right place at the right time for divine breakthroughs.
  • In moments of impatience, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness and the beauty of His timing.
  • Every season I go through is purposeful, leading me to divine appointments and breakthroughs.
  • Rooted in God’s promises, I confidently await the fulfillment of every dream and desire in its perfect time.

Declaration #26: Anchored in God’s Unchanging Nature for Stable Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”


  • Anchored in the unchanging nature of God, I am guaranteed stability and consistent breakthroughs.
  • This year, I am assured of God’s unwavering faithfulness, knowing that He remains steadfast in every season.
  • My heart finds solace in the consistency of God, ensuring that His promises over my life will come to pass.
  • The unchanging nature of God is my rock, shielding me from life’s uncertainties and propelling me towards success.
  • I rejoice in the knowledge that the God who blessed me in the past is the same God positioning me for breakthroughs today.
  • This year, the consistency of God’s love, power, and promises is evident in every facet of my life.
  • Every challenge is surmountable, and every dream is achievable because I trust in the unchanging God.
  • I move forward with boldness, fully aware that the same God who led great men and women to victory is guiding me to breakthroughs.
  • My spirit is uplifted, drawing strength from the constancy of God’s nature and His commitment to my well-being.
  • Celebrating God’s unchanging nature, I embrace a year marked by undeniable breakthroughs and divine favor.

Declaration #27: Positioned for Breakthroughs by God’s Mercy

Bible Verse: Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”


  • I am a recipient of God’s endless mercies, positioning me for breakthroughs beyond comprehension.
  • This year, I experience fresh mercies every day, opening doors of favor, blessings, and divine interventions.
  • Through God’s mercy, past mistakes are turned into lessons, and setbacks become setups for monumental breakthroughs.
  • Every morning, I am rejuvenated by God’s mercy, propelling me forward with renewed vigor and hope.
  • The mercies of God shield me from deserved consequences, ensuring that I am always positioned for success.
  • This year, the testimony of God’s mercy in my life is evident, attracting blessings and opportunities.
  • I move in gratitude, fully aware that God’s mercy is the driving force behind every breakthrough I experience.
  • Every challenge is met with the assurance of God’s mercy, ensuring I emerge victorious and favored.
  • My heart overflows with gratitude, constantly celebrating the mercies of God that are new every morning.
  • Embracing God’s mercy, I confidently step into a year filled with promise, prosperity, and profound breakthroughs.

Declaration #28: Grounded in God’s Word for Sure Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”


  • Grounded in God’s Word, I am guided towards guaranteed breakthroughs and divine success.
  • This year, every step I take is illuminated by the teachings and promises in the scriptures, ensuring I walk in divine alignment.
  • The Word of God is my anchor, providing clarity, wisdom, and direction in every situation.
  • As I meditate on the scriptures, doors of understanding open, positioning me for strategic breakthroughs.
  • The Word of God strengthens and fortifies my spirit, ensuring that I stand tall amidst challenges and opposition.
  • This year, I consistently feast on God’s Word, allowing its truths to mold, guide, and uplift me.
  • Every decision I make is rooted in the scriptures, guaranteeing outcomes that bring glory to God and blessings to my life.
  • My heart remains joyful, drawing from the well of promises and teachings in God’s Word.
  • As I stand on the promises in the scriptures, I confidently anticipate a year overflowing with miracles, favor, and profound breakthroughs.
  • Immersed in God’s Word, I navigate through life with certainty, favor, and an unyielding spirit of victory.

Declaration #29: Empowered by the Holy Spirit for Dynamic Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: Acts 1:8 (NIV)

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


  • Empowered by the Holy Spirit, I am a dynamo for breakthroughs, influencing realms and territories for the Kingdom.
  • This year, the Holy Spirit’s guidance positions me for divine interventions, miracles, and strategic opportunities.
  • Through the Holy Spirit, I gain discernment, wisdom, and boldness, ensuring that I conquer every challenge and seize every opportunity.
  • My actions, decisions, and words are influenced by the Holy Spirit, guaranteeing outcomes that reflect God’s glory and favor.
  • The power of the Holy Spirit propels me into spheres of influence, ensuring that my impact is felt across regions and realms.
  • This year, I cultivate a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, allowing His counsel to lead me to significant breakthroughs.
  • Every endeavor I undertake is backed by the power of the Holy Spirit, ensuring success, favor, and divine acceleration.
  • My spirit remains connected to the Holy Spirit, drawing insights, revelations, and strategies for victory.
  • Led by the Holy Spirit, I step into territories marked by divine favor, abundance, and unparalleled breakthroughs.
  • With the Holy Spirit as my guide, advocate, and power source, I confidently embrace a year of monumental success and Kingdom impact.

Declaration #30: Encouraged by God’s Faithfulness for Guaranteed Breakthroughs

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:9 (NIV)

“God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”



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  • Encouraged by God’s unwavering faithfulness, I stand firm in my expectations for breakthroughs and divine favor.
  • This year, I am constantly reminded of God’s track record, boosting my confidence and hope for the future.
  • The faithfulness of God is my shield, ensuring that His promises over my life come to fruition.
  • Every challenge I face is met with the assurance of God’s commitment to see me through, ensuring victory and success.
  • My heart rejoices, knowing that the same God who has been faithful in the past guarantees my breakthroughs today and always.
  • This year, the manifestations of God’s faithfulness are evident in every facet of my life, attracting blessings and divine alignments.
  • As I reflect on God’s unwavering dedication to His promises, my spirit is uplifted, filled with joy and anticipation.
  • Grounded in the truths of God’s faithfulness, I advance with boldness, assured of favor, blessings, and significant breakthroughs.
  • Every step I take is sanctioned by God’s faithfulness, positioning me in the center of His will and favor.
  • With God’s proven faithfulness as my testimony, I confidently embrace a year marked by miracles, prosperity, and profound breakthroughs.
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